Are you a biological sciences master student? Congo’s Biomasters Committee organizes monthly open activities and drinks for everyone who is! In the past we have organised loads of fun things like educational activities, such as a brain slice event where you get to learn everything there is about a brain while dissecting it, or an internship experience night, where fellow students tell you how they found their internship, what they’d wished they’d known before choosing an internship, what went right, want went wrong, and anything else you’d like to know about internships. We also organize social events, such as borrels, pub quizzes, scavengers hunts and many more!
If you’d like to attend our events, join our social media groups to always be up to date about our upcoming events:We have a promo whatsapp group you can join, where only committee members can share messages, to avoid spamming it. You can joint through this link: We can also be found on instagram: you prefer a more old fashioned way, we also have a facebook group you can join where we share our events: lastly, every month we send out a newsletter, so if you’d like to know when our events are happening before anyone else, this is the way! You can subscribe through this link:

The committee is always open for new members, so if you would like to join the organization of these events you can reach out to us at We meet up monthly to discuss upcoming events and to have a fun night together. If you have an idea of a fun activity you can also let us know and we’ll see what we can do!



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