PhD and a postdoc positions are available in the group “Cellular sex and physiology” in the Institute of Biology Valrose – Nice (France). We are interested in developmental, metabolic or behavioural sex differences and aim to understand how sex chromosome constitution (XX versus XY) impacts physiology across the body. We are currently identifying new genes/pathways and concepts driving sex chromosome effects using multi-scale approaches combining biochemistry, genetics and cell biology. For this, we use the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model system. More information can be found on the lab webpage (

The positions will be funded through an ERC starting grant and would ideally start in early 2020. We seek highly motivated candidates with interests in cell and developmental biology. Candidates should have a good working knowledge in live imaging and image analysis or prior experience conducting behavioural experiments. Previous experience with Drosophila is a plus, but is not mandatory. We strongly value team spirit and a positive work environment.

The institute of Biology Valrose (27 teams; 300 people; 25 nationalities) is an international institute (English is the working language) with a rich and vivid scientific environment. The iBV provides state of the art core facilities, with a collaborative and lively atmosphere in a gorgeous city/region.

If you are interested, please contact Bruno Hudry ( with your CV and a brief statement of your research interests, key areas of expertise and up to 3 recommendation contacts.

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