Vacature Zorgstudent, Mantelaar, Amsterdam

Mantelaar is een initiatief uit Amsterdam dat zich snel uitbreidt naar andere steden in Nederland. Mantelaar koppelt (para)medisch studenten aan thuiswonende ouderen om daarmee de mantelzorgers te ondersteunen. Door de zorg anders in te richten, werken wij efficiënter en vinden we een juiste balans tussen persoonlijke verzorging en persoonlijke aandacht. Momenteel hebben we weer veel […]

Fully funded PhD positions, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

11 PhD positions in the framework of the Doctoral Training Unit CriTiCS, Critical Transitions in complex systems at the University of Luxembourg. This doctoral training unit is highly interdisciplinary, applications to the various positions are thus open to master students/graduates from the fields of mathematics, physics, engineering, economics, finance, biology, biotechnology and related fields. More […]

International Münster Summer School in Biology – 19 augustus tot 16 september 2017

The International Münster Summer School in Biology provides a unique opportunity for BSc and MSc students from all around the world to gain research experience in one of the research groups of the Faculty of Biology at the University of Münster. Eligible to apply are students who have been successfully studying a life science subject […]